Nude-Muse Cosmic River: Unclothed

Nude Muse: Cosmic River

In this day and age where people’s identities are sanctified, where diversity, and equality is seen as one of the most important things we as a society can achieve, for some reason nudity and nudists are once again forgotten. Cosmic-River’s unclothed form is still censored, still punished and eradicated on all social media platforms, where on those same platforms, all other forms of diversity is “protected”.


If Cosmic-River where to walk down the street unclothed, all it would take is one person to complain that “they don’t want to see that” (the same way people complained about openly gay people in the past), and she could be arrested. It is not right. It is shameful that in a world of “equality” nudists are still targeted for the way they are born. Utterly shameful that this has gone on this long.

Untamed Spirit
